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  1. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    @sushiburger 3 hours is few and far between but it happens occasionally. She usually only naps for 2 and her wake window before bed is 2-5:30. At 5:30 we start her bedtime routine
  2. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    @chriver Thank you! I’ll try this out tonight
  3. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    @chriver We try to do all the tricks to get her back to sleep first. Dad and I will spend 30 minutes trying to rock her back to sleep. Then we tried taking her into our bed. When she fussed I gave her a little water and some Tylenol. We played in her room with toys for another hour. When we...
  4. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I am losing my mind. A few times this week, my daughter has taken to getting up between 11-12 at night and absolutely will not go back to sleep until 5 or 6 in the morning. We had sleep trained her around 5 months and it worked beautifully, but using...