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  1. J

    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @blessedj316 Oh yeah! I had a moby wrap (same idea) and he was definitely starting to sag in it (or I had to do it up too tight to feel secure) by right around 13 lbs! It was great before that though.
  2. J

    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @blessedj316 Huh! I guess it's different for everyone -- honestly my ergobaby has never felt that stretchy in the vertical direction (I just tugged on it to check) to me. Maybe I just got lucky with it or something? Or didn't use it as much as other people? I have other carriers that I also use...
  3. J

    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @jacklong I find it really easy to use still and not awkward at all. My baby isn't gigantic though, and he's at about 21lbs -- the limit is 25, so I'm keeping an eye on that. I haven't worn it for long periods of time in quite a while* but I don't notice anything uncomfortable about it or...
  4. J

    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @jacklong Did you try stretchy wraps or a woven wrap? I am about your height and weight. I've got an 11mo and as he was getting bigger, my faves have been: Ergobaby embrace -- v. Comfy when they're little, pretty easy to bring places, I'm still using it when baby is just kinda fussy and...
  5. J

    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @waterflow May also vary by province. In ab you can get boosters every 10 yrs for free if you book via health services or if you do it at a pharmacy you have to pay.