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  1. R

    transitioning to crib

    @mjt1k987 have you tried putting her in there to play during wake windows? this helped my LO associate with her crib and become comfortable with it. i would play white noise + shushing and after ten minutes i’d set her in the crib. she usually wouldn’t wake up and if she did, she’d go right back...
  2. R

    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @sega currently in the same position with my 8 week old. slowly counting the days until three months
  3. R

    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    @sharkdive1 Ugh I love napping with my kitty and 3 month old. Kitty doesn’t bother her and just lays by my legs while she’s on my chest or next to me. When he’s near us I’m always awake but it’s so cute 🥺 my MIL was always telling me to get rid of my kitty when I was pregnant and i’m glad i...