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  1. D

    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @creslaw I feel awful for him because some days I’m just an emotional mess and he’s the one doing the booboo kissing for me basically. I hate letting him see me cry but there is absolutely no hiding it sometimes. We split almost a year ago.. my psychiatrist switched up some of my medications but...
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @bella9525 I do speak to his family. I always spoke to his family more then he did though. He hasn’t spoken to any of them since I left him with our son to go live in a domestic violence shelter. I don’t know what he thinks he’s doing.. he (I think) accidentally FaceTimed me two days ago.. it...
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @tree320 Thank you! Things have been very hard since we left. I don’t even know how to drive bc my ex never wanted to teach me. So it’s hard to be able to get him out to do fun little things like scouts. I don’t have any help so I’ve sort of been stuck in this limbo nightmare of wanting to do...
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @redrighter Being a single parent is rough. Definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @ashleyb12104 Yeah he had an episode in school and they ended up calling crisis because he said he wanted to die. He’s been in therapy for a little while now. No 7 year old kid should be thinking about suicide.. I’m very overwhelmed with it all. I’m trying my best to be strong for him.
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @eva090715 He asked me why I made him leave and I just started to cry. Made me think I should have just taken his crap and let him to continue to know no boundaries and run my life and maybe he’d still talk to him.. the man is being so spiteful. I just wanted an every other weekend/holiday dad...
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    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    @hyunrunj3w I’m lucky he hasn’t really questioned it much yet. Last time he saw him he heard me tell dad to leave my apartment.. he thinks he’s not around because I made him leave that day. I just keep letting him think that it is my fault because he’ll eventually one day see that it wasn’t me...
  8. D

    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    I just would like some advice on what to do when one parent abandons the child after 7.5 years, without even saying goodbye? I just can’t keep giving my son hope if there is none. Dad quit his job and lost his house so I can’t even find him in person to confront him about the situation. I know...