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  1. H

    What’s so special about months 6-12 trying unassisted?

    @nelson9 Thank you for this. Going onto month 9… this might be a silly question, where would my husband go to get a semen analysis? His primary care provider?
  2. H

    I always ovulate late (CD 19-20) but ultrasound said baby is measuring right at 7 w? Shouldn’t it be behind since I ovulated late?

    @flyinflame14yyt Ok so if you ovulate late then most likely you’re measuring ahead? I never ovulate on cd 14
  3. H

    I always ovulate late (CD 19-20) but ultrasound said baby is measuring right at 7 w? Shouldn’t it be behind since I ovulated late?

    Had my 7 w 1 day ultrasound, HR of 130 and everything measured right at 7 w 1 day. The nurse practitioner said maybe I did ovulate closer to CD 14. However, I have been using opks for a year and never get a peak until at least CD 18. Not sure what to make of this. Could baby technically be...