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  1. D

    Considering baby bjorn mini but not sure if it’s right for me!

    @wrshamblinjr My husband mostly used the mini and he’s still looking for a replacement, we have ordered and are waiting on a Lenny Lamb onbuhimo. I use a combination of the Tula Explore, Minimonkey, and Cococho. I like having a variety as they do put pressure/weight on different areas so...
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    Considering baby bjorn mini but not sure if it’s right for me!

    @wrshamblinjr The BB mini was great until about 15 lbs, now it’s really not ergonomic at all and really puts a lot of pressure on the shoulders/traps. So I would avoid that one if you’re concerned about growing out of it too quickly.
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    IUD insertion pain vs labor pain

    @sister53 I had an IUD inserted when I was younger maybe 20. I had no reference point then but it was way way way less than a contraction, more like a very intense period cramp. I had that one removed and replaced at 25, and it was not even as bad as the first time. And then that one removed at...
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    Bedside crib vs. Mini Crib

    @rwg319 There's nothing wrong with the mattresses which come with the pack and plays, yes they are thin but baby sleeps on it fine. Who says a mattress 'should' be 5-6 inches?
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    Bedside crib vs. Mini Crib

    @rwg319 Honestly the thing that worked best for us was a pack and play with bassinet insert. With the bassinet level, it worked perfectly at the level of our bed. Also easy to move around and convenient for travel.
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    Starting to refuse 2nd nap on 2/3/4

    7 month old and sleep trained about 6 weeks ago. Shortly after sleep training he dropped from 3 naps to 2. The last several weeks, 2/3/4 (or often more like 2/3/3.5) was working well for us. He’d generally give 3 hours total nap time and 12-13 hours overnight. For the last 5 days or so he’s...
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    I seem to have low Iorn, but my Doctor didn’t say anything to me about it

    @jingshenbianxi You’re fine. Iron and transferrin on their own are poor indicators of total body iron stores. Transferrin saturation is more helpful. And a normal ferritin, in the absence of acute illness or injury, makes iron deficiency unlikely. Some iron supplements here won’t hurt but...