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  1. B

    Pregnancy and vitamin D

    @lozzymagoo They share evidence that supplementing with synthetic vitamin D is harmful. In the very least you'll learn it's controversial. Like so many other medical tests, the tests aren't useful in a practical way, and if you need more sunlight, you should get it from the sun. There's also...
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    Pregnancy and vitamin D

    @upthewrongtree Check out the seccosteroid hormone D group on Facebook. Lots of good info there that I wish I had known about when I was pregnant and breastfeeding.
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    Am I ever going to sleep again?

    @3angels I highly recommend the book It's Never Too Late To Sleep Train. There are so many different methods, and you don't just have to leave them to cry for hours. The book goes into all the things you can do to optimize your routine, and explains how everything we do is training (or...
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    Period cramps

    @euxene Magnesium is surprisingly effective.
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    Baby rash/eczema

    @jack_sdb My understanding is that if you cut out the foods that they can't tolerate for six months, after that you can use the allergy ladder technique to reintroduce those foods. So it's not necessarily a life long ailment. Of course nutrition is vitally important at a young age, so you just...
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    Baby rash/eczema

    @jack_sdb My toddler's eczema is caused by dairy and eggs. It sucks! I hate to eliminate such nutritious foods from his diet, but for him it really does make a huge improvement. We've been trying to introduce those foods back in slowly to see if he can tolerate them now. So far he can eat duck...