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  1. M

    36 weekers

    @lex69 My babies are out and home! It only took a couple weeks. The longest part was them being able to bottle feed on their own. It can get tedious. But I promise you it will go fast! I’m so sorry you can’t visit them as often :( Just know they are in the best hands and all they need is a...
  2. M

    36 weekers

    @formertweaker How long did it take for twin B to get on room air?
  3. M

    36 weekers

    Had my Didi twin girls two days ago at 36+2 and they have been in the NICU since for breathing and a feeding tube. Baby A 4 lb 15 oz and baby B 4 lb 5 oz. After a traumatic c section, I’m beyond devastated to see them in this state. Any words of encouragement or similar stories people can...