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    Challenging my doctor’s potentially old school advice on solid food for baby

    @gizmorazaar About the most sane feeding advice I’ve ever read, and put so succinctly.
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @kamga I’m a nurse (not in oncology) and I still can’t pronounce most of those names. It’s literally like someone smashed their head against a keyboard and called it good.
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    Formula Scoop Weight Experiment

    @corbinw I feel the same. It shows how arbitrary the whole process can be because most babies thrive regardless. But for preemies and medical indications this is really important, and I love that someone weighed it out because I’ve thought about it a lot!
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @dundermifflinfarmer Idk about gender but my baby was active as hell in the womb and he kicks on the outside just like he did on the inside!