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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @carolinafan74 lol noooope😂😂. She hates it. She originally wanted 3 kids and now she’s doubting if she even wants 2 lol
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    Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?

    @sally_a Sorry, the blood test part wasn’t clear. I updated it
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    Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?

    I’m so excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound (we did a blood test early to determine gender) but I’m also fucking terrified because I’m so scared that the doctor might find something wrong with her. As far as I know, there’s no major hereditary health issues in both of our families...