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  1. B

    Lodging & Transportation Expectations During Parental Visitation?

    @brady95crosscountry Not at all. Taking care of the kids is part of parenting. Absolutely. Not your problem. If ex spending time in your residence has become a problem, then they no longer get to spend time there. Your house, your rules. Not crazy. Address the issues in writing with...
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    Do you correct your ex when they lie? Whether it’s to your child’s providers or to someone else when you’re present?

    @lazarus58 I've been divorced roughly a decade. I'd like to be able to tell you that this gaslighting & projection gets better, but it doesn't. What does get better is that you'll stop caring (or stop caring as much). Professionals can usually tell when someone acts this way. When they don't...
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    @jigster This makes me think that you're currently splitting weekends so that one parent has Saturday and the other parent Sunday. If so, does this issue of him denying "IOU days" become far less often if you simply change weekends so you have both days off weekends 1 and he has both days off...
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    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    @jd14234 Two points I'd like to make: First, send kiddo back in the same clothes they came to you in (wash or don't wash and just change kiddo into the clothes shortly before exchange). Second, not everything in a message needs to be responded to (and sometimes nothing in a message needs a...
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    Wanting Mommy: when does it get easier?

    @mandyanddave This is a perfect opportunity for deflection & distraction. "I want mommy." "(Kindly) Mommy's not here now. How about we play a game?" Once kiddo learns that you'll take care of all the same things that they're used to the other parent providing, this will (mostly) go away.