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  1. E

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero Well i surely hope this doesn't scar them. Our newly 2 yr old is currently with grandparents for a week while we're at the hospital for the birth/c section with our second. They report he's fine
  2. E

    Why is Everyone Sick all the Time?

    @pal1322 I now lose the sense of smell/taste with EVERY single cold i get. And i get many many many colds now (toddler in daycare bringing tons of viruses home). It's super sad because i live for food
  3. E

    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @lippy1004 At 2 yo they are only barely beginning to learn social play. It's possible she won't even be interacting with other kids yet, or when they do interact it's without words. And at that age they pick up languages lightning fast. So I doubt it will have an impact like that