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  1. B

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @k3at I would reconsider the meds for anxiety and OCD. Anxiety is absolutely a sleep killer even when you have a great sleep routine and willingness to do what is necessary. Lexapro has done wonders for my teen with anxiety and has not caused any insomnia. Definitely talk to a psychiatrist -...
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    I am 23 F living with mom and dad right after college. Advice

    @shirl I'm not sure this will help with your situation, but for general conflict resolution, I like Difficult Conversations
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    I am 23 F living with mom and dad right after college. Advice

    @shirl You seem to have convinced yourself you cannot move out and I doubt anything I say will change that if you prefer dealing with the certainty of abuse over the uncertainty of independence. However, as someone who has moved into countless roommate situations in my youth, I can tell you...
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    I am 23 F living with mom and dad right after college. Advice

    @shirl It feels impossible but it's not. Ask for your father's support for moving out and talk to the dean of your school about what support (financial/social services) you can get from them so you can finish your education. This won't be the first time the school has had a student that needed...