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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @hallbee66 I didn’t say anything to them. I allow them to discipline how they see fit, I just don’t know why she is the one putting my daughter in timeout. I don’t let my boyfriend discipline her and he’s been around longer than her father. I just don’t find it appropriate, but again, I don’t...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @hallbee66 I’m being petty by ignoring it? As long as they aren’t hitting my child I don’t care what kind of discipline they implement. I never once said I intended to acknowledge the way they choose to discipline, however - I don’t appreciate your comment. Time outs are not the only way to...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @alexch I mean I agree 😅 my mom was more angry about it than I was, truthfully. I thought it was definitely bold of her lol but I brushed it off because … what a ridiculous question. My mom was very upset about it, but she’s a hothead sometimes.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @katrina2017 Thank you! I appreciate your input, I will probably ignore it but if she tries to overstep again I will most likely say something. The first time was enough, this time might be a mistake, but if it happens again I’ll have to say something.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @stefana Thank you for your input! I appreciate it
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @stefana Woah, I never said I was annoyed. I said in the post I said nothing because it’s his house and I respect that. All I asked was if I had a right to be upset about this one specific instance, that’s all. I’m really not annoyed with them, I respect that they do things differently at their...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @gentleaura Thank you for that insight. I think it may be beneficial for me to talk to the both of them now that you mention it.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @cfa Yeah I’m definitely not trying to control anything in his household. I think it’s disrespectful that she put her name above mine on their random list that they put in her backpack lol the administration at the school has the contact list with me and her dad. Neither of us get “a backup person”
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @stefana I mean, it’s irrelevant ultimately. They ask for three people at the school, they have three people. My question is whether or not I have a right to be upset about her behavior. Most people in my life say I do, but obviously they’re a little bias. I guess I just expect the same...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @stefana He has his mom and I have mine.
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @heavensvoice My mother has the right to make medical decisions, it’s in our custody order. Before my ex came back in her life, my mother was essentially her other parent. I made it clear in the custody order that my mom retained rights of her own so that if something were to happen to me, my...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @heavensvoice He comes before my mom. His girlfriend works an hour away and so does he, whereas my mother and I live right down the street and my mother stays home with my daughter during the day. My grandmother also lives in my house and my brothers live five minutes from school. If there is...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @stefana I just don’t really see the point in her being on the pickup list or the EC list. Myself, her dad, and my mother are on there. It’s not like my boyfriend is on there, and he’s been around since my daughter was born so if either of our significant others had some type of reason to be on...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @tms7981 The school has an emergency contact list, I have no idea why she put a random one in her backpack. Especially because that’s not where the teachers would look, they’re not even allowed to go through the kids’ things. It was just odd to me, but I appreciate the perspective. It is...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    My (28f) ex (37m) has a girlfriend (idkf) who has been with him since he has had visitation of my daughter (5f), which is about 3.5 years. In the last 8-9 months I feel she has been significantly overstepping, and I need to know if I’m being unreasonable. For context, my ex has the right of...