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  1. S

    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @motor They dont do that. And its not relevant.
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @ayaba I'm putting a big emphasize on medication in the book, and I'm glad to see I'm not wrong there. I even have a part where she mentions the meds might not work, but if that happens the adult character promises to talk to her doctor about it. I really appreciate your comment.
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @katrina2017 The last thing I want to do is to be patronizing to kids. When I was a kid I hated being talked down to. It always made me feel stupid. You raise a good point about it being scary. I'm definitely going to add it.
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @camillanorigera I'll definitely emphasize the difference between viruses and chronic mental illness. I'd hate to confuse a kid like that. I'll also emphasize it helping your brain. A lot of people here seem in consensus on that. I'm glad I asked! Thank you!
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @michaelbtc Thank you! Do you use the interchangeably?
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @finalact I really appreciate your input. I'm writing this because I wish there had been a book about this kind of thing when I was their age, but I think you might be right about making it for older kids than 3 year olds. By the time I turned 5 though, I did know someone with bipolar and i wish...
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @katrina2017 Thank you for your response. I like the idea of talking about different brains. Another commenter mentioned it too and I'm going to work it in. I know what you mean about having someone around you who had mental illness. For me, it was a friend growing up who I didn't understand...
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @pastormoazzam I agree. And thank you!
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @pastormoazzam Thank you! I really want to get it right so I'm glad I asked here. I like the bit about his brain being silly. I'm definitely going to include something akin to that.
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @niman Thank you so much. I'm bipolar too. I googled to see if there's any kids books about it and there's like none.
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    @niman Happy cake day! I really like that. I think I might use something to that effect. Thank you!
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    I'm writing a kids book (ages 3-6) about mental illness and need some advice

    EDIT: You all are giving really good advice and I've taken a lot of notes. I think I'm also upping the age range to 5-7. I forget how small 3 year olds are because I dont interact with any ever. --' I'm currently working on a kid's book about having an adult in your life with an mood disorder...