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  1. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @amaggart Yes, patience and staying grounded are two character traits that were not thrown into the slop when I was being made. It really helps to hear your perspective as someone whose been forging down this trail much longer than I, so I appreciate your insight. My irregular cycle does have...
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @mikeru Thank you so much! I mentioned up thread but I moonlight as a fiction and personal diary writer, haha. Writing this out in a lightly self-deprecating yet humorous way actually helped keep me from feeling self-deprecating for real today. I’m really glad I found this community
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @detourgirl I knowwwww I’ve been trying to compartmentalize the part about them not actually confirming ovulation lol. Denial, party of 1?!
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @bmavxps3 Yes, and having to be patient is sooooo annoying! Haha. Nobody can argue that we didn’t give it the old college try (literally, I don’t think I’ve had that much sex in that short amount of time since I was 18). Thanks girl, and best of luck to you as well!
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @terpenga It’s a tough pill to swallow! And the unplanned pregnancies vs the 30% success rate thing has been running through my mind a lot too these last few months. For example, my dumb 19-year-old cousin, who would never admit it but totally glamorized Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy, went out and...
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @jackih Yep I’ve taken my googling that far too! No shame in that game, gurl. We were pretty young when I stopped my BC so we used condoms for the first year or so. Then that devolved into the tried and true pullout method which we stuck with for a long time. I’ve been tracking my cycles since...
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @jackih Yes!! Describing it this way seemed so much more intimate (and accurate) than just saying “period cramps” lol. It’s that feeling where things start rumbling and your heart starts sinking and you just KNOW it’s coming. I did the desperate googling thing yesterday: “period cramps vs...
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @katrina2017 Ugh hugs to you! It’s a very frustrating feeling already and I’m not even close to being deep into the journey yet. It seems so daunting :( Right now though I’m eating Indian food and catching up on bachelor in paradise so that’s what today’s self-care looks like lol. Good luck...
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @adame Ugh it’s the worst feeling. Hugs to you
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @tman67 It’s such a bummer! Hugs to you
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @sisi You’re totally right - I have a feeling this whole journey is going to end up becoming a very crucial life lesson in patience for me. My husband keeps reminding me of the 30% rule too to keep me in check lol. I feel like Veruca Salt: “I don’t care how, daddy, I want one and I want it now!”
  12. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @michaelmtincher Hey girl hey! Only children are so underrated. I’m so sorry to hear we’re in more than just the only child boat together right now though :( hugs and all the love being sent your way too. And thanks so much! I moonlight as a fiction and personal diary writer
  13. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @seeking456 Yes, fellow overachiever here too! And a semi-spoiled only child who totally missed the memo on patience lol. That does make a lot of sense, and I appreciate your perspective a lot. I really like the way you describe it as surrendering - I think I’m going to try to incorporate that...
  14. T

    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    Ughhhh I knew this whole TTC thing was going to be tough but man this is TOUGH. I have irregular cycles about half the time, which can range anywhere from 35 to 55 days so I’ve got that going for me which is great. The 55 day-ers I’m pretty sure are totally anovulatory. Eye roll. When I’m...