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    3.5moM still wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat. Is this normal?

    @mardbein Hi there! So, I can tell you that statistically the most dangerous time for SIDS is considered 2-4 months. To be clear tho, I am not a sleep specialist or a sleep doctor, I am a doula and a childbirth educator so while I spend a lot of my time reading and learning about many many...
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    3.5moM still wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat. Is this normal?

    @aguest000 Hi there, childbirth educator here This is incredibly normal and very healthy. I know it's hard, but the frequent waking is actually a protective factor against SIDS. Babies who wake 2 to 3 times in the night or are awoken 2 - 3 times in the night are less likely to pass from SIDS...
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird I also want to emphasize, you are not alone! Many women struggle with breastfeeding. It is a learned skill and no one should expect it to just always come along with ease. It takes practice, guidance and patience just to start, and then there is many things that can impact your...
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird Absolutely. Wishing you the best, please feel free to message me if you need help finding an IBCLC or have more questions!
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird Oh momma, I'm so sorry you're going through this! I really recommend you seek a lactation consultant, specifically an IBCLC. They will be able to help you!! In the mean time, I would recommend you go to and find a local leader near you that you can talk to and perhaps...
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird If she's gaining than she's fine! She should be having roughly at least 4-6 heavy wet diapers a day, with 3-8 poops that's at least the size of the o in an OK sign you make with your hand. But really, if she is gaining weight then I have no concerns she is getting too little! If...
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird So this is an age old question that has plagued mother's and father's and caregivers since the dawn of time - but we are lucky to live in an age of scales and regular diaper changes also tell you a lot. First, and there is no judgement here, why are you supplementing with formula...
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    My late preterm baby wakes every 1.5 hours bc she’s hungry

    @shanebird Hi there, doula here. So I wish I could tell you there was a magical way to change your babies eating and sleeping habit, but unfortunately the "sleep training" and "schedules" out there generally force your baby into conforming to your needs, not theirs. Now I aim for everyone to be...