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  1. L

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    @pastorjeremiah 6:10 alarm, shower 6:45 wake up toddler, diaper change, tooth brushing, playtime/book time 7:15 finish getting myself ready 7:30 go downstairs, feed toddler simple breakfast, start kettle for my tea 7:50 dress toddler, pack up bag(s) and my on the go breakfast 8:15 head to...
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    What does sleep through the night mean and when?

    @miltonjs I use it to mean sleeping through the night from bedtime to morning without needing me. Mine did it the first time at 14 months, started doing it about half the time around 19 months. Started sleeping through consistently (almost 100% of nights) by maybe… 27-28 months? It all goes out...
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    Can a 2yr old recognize letters?

    @slyanimal I don’t know whether it’s normal or not, but definitely not impossible. My son knew all his letters at 2.
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @bellamas We started at 11 weeks. Mine didn't get sick at all until he was older and more mobile. At that point he had a new cough or sniffle every few weeks. Almost never had a fever or anything serious though. A few times I got significantly sicker than the baby/toddler. My husband has a...
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    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    @tetra Cut out the afternoon nap and push the morning nap later, a bit closer to midday and don't let it last more than 2 hours at most. She might be fussy in the evening as she adjusts, which is fine. It means she's tired enough for bed. If that isn't enough, you could try pushing bedtime later...
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    I feel like a failure as a parent for not being ready for second kid

    @kimbob5688 I have a lot of those same feelings. When I see friends and peers with 2-3 kids and seeming like they're doing just fine, I do get jealous and feel like maybe I'm just not good at being a mom--which is a mindfuck since being a mom was something I ALWAYS wanted. My child is 16 months...
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 Once baby was more mobile I allowed myself more flexibility in how I would lay. Mostly I would just flop onto my back. Once he could crawl himself up to lay on my arm or on the pillow, all bets were off, lol.