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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @christfollower19 Yikes, that’s tough - I still have trauma from her first 16 weeks of life. She cried all the time. Behind on so many milestones… There are two types of allergies, called IgE and non-IgE mediated response. Only the former shows up in bloodwork, but that doesn’t exclude that...
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @christfollower19 As for the symptoms of CMPA, it’s not just loose/bloody stool, the blood can be microscopic so not visible with the naked eye, unless tested. Mucus in the poop is another one, green poop also points to an allergy. Then non-poop related symptoms: cough, congestion, hiccups...
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @christfollower19 So this is a bit of a controversy. All of the scientific articles out there say nothing passes through breast milk, except for cow milk’s protein and soy protein (because soy protein is similarly structured to cow’s milk protein). However if you ask midwives about it, they...
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    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita A note for the future maybe (if there’s another child) - when chest sleeping, it’s considered safe for baby’s head/chest to be higher than their tush/legs, so their lungs and chest aren’t getting compressed (impeding oxygen intake). Which means you too have to sleep/lie at an incline...
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @christfollower19 The dosage might need to be adjusted, this was very similar with our silent reflux baby - 2 weeks she did well on it then it seemed to get worse, we had to go back to the pediatrician a couple of times each time to increase the dose. Most recently again at 7.5 months because...
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    Q about rocking a 1.3 month old baby to sleep

    @sportsfanatic Are you forcefully throwing her head back and forth? Or “shaking” her? If she’s scream crying often and long and having trouble breastfeeding it would be good to see a pediatrician. She might have a food allergy, thrush, an infection, a bad latch, birth trauma, reflux,… we have...
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @samu I’m sorry your pediatrician is disregarding your feelings, if there is doubt again with the new one you could perhaps ask for an oesophageal pH test to be done. It’s unpleasant but the results were pretty clear in our case, even if she didn’t have the required amount of events it showed...
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @christfollower19 Thanks! Makes it hard because she already does these things because of her reflux 🫠
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    8 month old silent reflux baby

    @pacman1989 Hiya! Not OP but u have some questions. I feel like our baby has been teething on and off for 6-8 weeks now but nothing seems to be happening. What were the signs you were seeing?