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  1. L

    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @011235813 I’m also in Canada. Let’s be clear you have to be in a very nice position, economically to benefit from the 18 month maternity leave, but anyway. I had my son signed up for swimming lessons at 8 months, which was cancelled due to the pandemic. I didn’t have a pool at home and so by...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @oldaussie Piggybacking off this, OP if your daughter is dyslexic in the French school system in Quebec you will absolutely need to advocate for her and the school will not without a note from her doctor. Just a heads up.
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    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @guevaraj I’d definitely say half-read the study vs. Misread 😅 sorry it’s been a long day lol. Anecdotally I can see the differences in pre-pandemic babies and pandemic babies. Personally, my son actually got to experience more one-on-one parental interaction during the pandemic; Sure, there...
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    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @anonymous9090 The long term effects of not socializing your baby in the effort to avoid getting a virus that they’re going to get anyway once you can no longer avoid it are worse...
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @starlightviolet199 Don’t curb it, use it for sake!
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    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @machoke47 Not necessarily sold that the community language will become the dominant language in our case. We live in a pretty bilingual city where French is the community language but a lot of kids also speak English… my son will be going to a French school so I’m curious (now his English is...
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    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    @ellyflowers I breastfed for a long time and when I finally said fuck this I had a cold and the little angel bit me! Sudafed for my cold and earplugs for the protesting kid 😅
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @angelod This is some Facebook mom-group level nonsense and the last thing I expected from that sub -.- Maybe should have put her kids in daycare hahaha
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    How old were your children when they began to use words in different languages for the same thing or concept?

    @kairete You hit the nail on the head, the lesson she hasn’t learned yet is that not everyone speaks both… my son also learned this lesson at daycare
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    Advice to newbie on water temperature

    @ericaa The only thing I heard is that if your water is too acidic adding vinegar can wear out the elastics prematurely. I always forget so it’s probably one wash out of 4 or 5 that gets vinegar? No issues at all (my sons ebf though so we’ll see how that goes in a few months haha)
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    Advice to newbie on water temperature

    @walkwithme I’ve been using a cold rinse with vinegar, warm wash and cold rinse and it seems to be fine 🙊
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    Need help plan moving fwd w trilingual toddler

    @myfaithislost Also, there are soooo many similarities between French and Spanish that dad speaking only French to him is almost like second hand learning Spanish if that makes sense? I do not speak Spanish by any means but I am fluent in French and I can read quite a bit of Spanish and...
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    Need help plan moving fwd w trilingual toddler

    @myfaithislost Look for Spanish activities on the weekend?