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  1. I

    Did you sleep train?

    @whcarston Plenty of people have VERY strong opinions about sleep training. You’ll find anecdotes & evidence to support many different ideas about baby sleep online. It nearly drove me bonkers. We didn’t sleep train our twins. I wasn’t 100% against it, but saw it as an absolute last resort. My...
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @sensistar My b/g twins are also almost 2.5 and I completely agree! They’re best buddies. They have special names for each other. Sure there are tantrums and fights but most of the time it’s complete chaotic joy.
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 Thank you! As others have said, I think night nursing was much more for comfort for a long time. I was fine with it. I got mastitis at around 9 months and my supply took a hit, but they didn’t seem to mind. It was similarly gentle when they weaned. I was nervous but it was almost like...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 I nursed my twins until just after their 1st birthday. They didn’t sleep through the night until they weaned. They were in cribs in their own room, and after about 4 months old they generally woke at 11 & 3 to nurse overnight (I say generally because sometimes it was much more than that).
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    IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

    @zacariah88 Ugh, what a letdown. I’m so sorry. Hang in there.
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    Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys

    @codymcg This is almost exactly what happened in my pregnancy. Pre-e diagnosed at 34 weeks, put on bedrest (at home) at 35 weeks, delivered via c-section at 36+4. I was monitoring my blood pressure at home and when I woke up the day they were born it was 190s/115 and rising. The babies were...
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    4-6 month daily routine w twins

    @warriorsaint86 Mine are 4 months. They sleep until about 7am, then we do wake times of 1hr, 1.25, 1.25, 1.5, 1.5. We let them nap as long as they can and follow eat/play/sleep. They’re exclusively breastfed (I truly did not think I’d be able to get my supply up to where it is, good lord it’s...