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  1. C

    Do you think i would deserve Christmas presents if you had 3 F’s in school?

    @kolson0319 Be honest here, even if you may not have been elsewhere; how much have you been slacking off/not trying? I like to think that most things on the parenting spectrum as to how proud of/happy with their child we are directly relates to how much effort has been put in. If my son...
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    It all came crashing down Tuesday

    @pilgrum This is (to me anyway) a moving and accurate descriptionof grief, thank you for sharing it. My dad died just over 7 months ago and those waves were fucking massive for a while, but they've started to lessen. OP, if you see this mate then you're in my thoughts.
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    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack Yeah, I see no issue with this whatsoever. To be honest, whether it's common or not shouldn't really factor into either of your decisions. If you're both happy with it, then all good, if not, then it's a conversation.
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    How do I tell my antivax parents I’m getting the vaccine?

    @alessandra Don't. Without wanting to sound patronising, and sorry if I do, but part of entering the adult world is realising that the person you're most accountable to, and for, is yourself (at least until you're a parent). Sometimes this will involve awkward conversations or decisions that...