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  1. R

    Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

    @pattimayo I think it's possible *physically*, but mentally/emotionally/psychologically, it would be far from ideal. I had this mindset before having my baby too, but ask yourself: can you do your job if you are holding a sleeping baby with one hand and only typing with the other, while sleep...
  2. R

    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @dundermifflinfarmer Totally anecdotal, but I've only had one baby (a girl), and she was crazy active in utero and is still crazy active at 19 months old. On the flip side, my mom claims that I (a female) barely moved in utero and was a very chill toddler who would happily sit still for long...