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    Phexxi marketing material is misleading - Half as effective as advertised!

    Burning genitalia aside, Phexxi is presenting their product as 86% effective with typical use... based on their 7 month clinical study. From their own product information: So, 27.5% failure rate over the course of a year with typical use. Less like a condom, more like withdrawal in terms of...
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    Is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @kimberly12 I'm assuming at least some of those negative tests were 3 weeks after sex, so no, there is no chance she is pregnant. There is really no reasonable extra reassurance to be had - blood tests are very reliable. When somebody gets vaccinated, their body mounts an immune response, and...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames No. Because an AFC of 13 follicles is entirely average and doesn't say much about your odds of spontaneous conception. It's more predictive of response to stims (since you're trying to grow the entire base cohort of follicles at the same time), and ovarian reserve (An AFC of 13 would...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames The immune response from vaccination can cause an odd cycle, but, hypothyroidism explains it better. It can take awhile for thyroid meds to work, but given that you ovulated this cycle and your husband's SA is middling I would not be ruling out spontaneous conception.
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    Brown discharge instead of period?

    @rogerwilson Brown discharge is very common before bleeding begins. If you haven't been missing pills, there is very little chance you're pregnant. Taking a test 2-3 weeks after 'unprotected sex' would give an accurate result, but, kinda no reason to believe you need to based on this. Symptoms...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames Given your age, duration trying, irregular cycles and test results, I disagree with your RE and believe you have a good chance of spontaneous conception. REs have a very limited tool set - the most effective, fast, and expensive of which is IVF. Pushy is not unheard of, especially...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @s3anreilly Ah, I misread that and thought you were going to go the day after retrieval! TOO SOON! At least, I think it would have been for me. :) Sounds like a great plan.
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @dancequeen12 Air is not the best conductor of heat! Honestly, if you guys take 10-15 minutes in there, I would not worry about it too much. It's good to be clean.
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @kevintristan It's a concern I've seen other people voice - the testicles already hang out a temperature slightly above 'ideal', and most people don't have issues conceiving. I think cats sitting on a lap is kind of like .. a uterine polyp. If you're having issues conceiving, it might ease your...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @s3anreilly /me climbs out of the bog Def not an OHSS expert or a physician. I don't think it should be a problem - you can still monitor yourself for bad signs while at the spa and stay hydrated. If you were showing OHSS symptoms then the larger concern would be getting pregnant from a fresh...
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    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @miserable I can only imagine how awful that was, I am so sorry you went through such an ordeal.
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    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @commissionerfd1 I agree with you about screening, but I think it is important to recognize how different the medical care different people receive. Everyday some people get taken seriously, and everyday other people with the same complaints get dismissed. Ectopics are responsible for 10% of...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @soldout30 I think fairness is not super possible in these things, but I get the feeling. My husband did not abstain from alcohol in solidarity with me through IVF, and it did suck. If you can offer up a solid alternative (like a big heat pack for sore shoulders), the conversation might go...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @sisi I guess I shoulda sent it to you for proofreading! coughdevbiowastoobusycough There is not enough time in the day for me to become a wikipedia person, but apparently there were people looking into heat-based contraception? I feel like I've been waiting for a decade for an update on...
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    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @gamerguy99 Arg, that's awful. I'm sorry for her loss. It is absolutely unfair that quality of healthcare can be so different depending on where you live and who you are.
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @johnpawloski Aha, I think I've had enough of a time hitting my head against the physics modelling of the problem! :) That behavioural element! Without knowing the temperature of a tub, 10 minutes seems like a decent conservative limit! Retrospective studies are so tough to try and evaluate...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @johnpawloski So, q = 734.4 kJ, to warm up that 150 lb human 3 degrees is what I came up. Diving in the literature for a study that looks at core body temperature vs time spent in a hot tub would be real dandy, but I don't have journal access. XD
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    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @2c710 It is sometimes possible to catch it early and treat an ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate. They are definitely hard to catch, in that many symptoms that are associated with pregnancy like constipation/abdominal pain are not uncommon with normal pregnancies. If you know you're at higher...