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    My ESL MIL refers to my baby's face while cooing as her "O-face" and I just can't

    @marcin458 Most of us? Regardless of how much time any of us actually spent on PornHub, this is the kind of lingo that spread like wildfire when we were stupid in middle school. Most of the "dirty terms" I know, I learned from teenage boys and looked them up on Urban Dictionary rather than...
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    My ESL MIL refers to my baby's face while cooing as her "O-face" and I just can't

    @skaterboy1319 My parents are from India and they call profile pictures on Whatsapp their "display picture". People also pay way more attention to their profile pictures than I think we do in America, and my mom changes hers at least a few times a week to a new picture of my son. They...
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    just found out my baby is sunny side up

    @fairydustlady My kiddo was sunny-side up and everything was fine. Labor definitely hurt more than I think it would have otherwise (it was more back brain than contraction pain) and was a bit longer than it might have been, but it wasn't unbearable. I still got the peaceful water birth at home...
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    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    @goldensleather It sounds like he's been through a LOT but this isn't sustainable. As the working parent you should absolutely not be responsible for the bulk of the housework, especially if you're also paying for childcare. I'd expect you to pitch in a lot if he was dealing with all three kids...