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    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    @savemarriage101 Our house is from 1910 and people keep telling us to knock out walls and make it open concept but I hate open concept. I grew up in a house like that and it was just never quiet. We're a one-child family but between toys and kid shows, it's loud enough.
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    What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?

    @logansc Almost 2 years old but since he was 12 months, bedtime at 7:30pm, wake up at 6:30am. We sleep trained and don't intervene at night. If he wakes up between sleep cycles, he soothes himself back to sleep within 15 min. Nap is at daycare from 1-3pm and we follow the same schedule on...
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    Invalidated by having an only child

    @aray92 I also attack with smugness. A friend with two kids who complains she never gets breaks always gives me a snarky “must be nice” to have time to exercise, read books, and have hobbies. I always say “yep, it’s great!”
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    New parent tip from pediatrician

    @brcseac My baby is 8 weeks and I feel the same, am I “playing” enough? We do some tummy time and I shake little rattles at him, read a couple pages aloud from Harry Potter, or display a few black & white cards. We sometimes listen to music or podcasts while feeding. but then I just put him in...
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    Having "the talk" (a.k.a. I'm pro-OAD, partner wants more)

    @huskyblue My husband wanted a second, I don’t. Our son is also IVF, we are paying embryo storage fees. Allow your wife space to grieve the family she wishes she’d had. But also be firm as to why you are OAD. If you waver and give her hope, it’ll be more even more disappointing for her down the...
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @fejesusor To each their own. It doesn't work for everyone. I live in the San Francisco area and moving to a LCOL would be a big sacrifice. The financial gain probably wouldn't be worth losing the weather, geography, vibe, amenities, etc.
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @duke845 10) How does anyone afford to have kids/more than one? - Some people are wealthy, some people are in major debt or not saving for retirement, some people have free childcare in the form of nearby family, some people are willing to make major sacrifices like no vacations and moving to a...
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    Working parent rant

    @middlemind I was also recently told that best parenting hack is to have helpful grandparents nearby; I soooo wish we had that. It’s one of the main reasons I’m not having a second kid. The only people I know with two or more kids have a nearby helpful family or the ability to hire good...
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    Having a toddler = living under a dictator

    @igrace It starts so young! My 17 mo will make me take my hands off the shopping cart handle and say "no" (his only word) when I'm literally pushing the shopping cart he's sitting in. So I'm supposed to push the shopping cart with... my mind?
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @kirag Seriously, how annoying. I figured it out from context but I’ve never seen “FF” as common acronym.
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @mikpat I figured they were similar to the Duggars 🤮
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @grace93 I’m going to assume they are ultra religious and “leaving it up to god.” And if she dies, it’s “god’s will.” 🙄
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    Time to roll the dice?

    @marth4k1ng FWIW, my brother is 7 years older than me and we were never close - too far apart in age to really play together, always at different life stages, and we also just have wildly different values and world views (he's very conservative and religious, I'm a liberal atheist). The age gap...