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  1. G

    15 month old not walking

    @revdstephen Thank you for this advice. He shows some interest in stairs at the playground but we don't have any stairs at home so I will try taking him to other places with stairs. That totally makes sense! As far as walkers we have the vtech walker and some balance bikes and a ride on train.
  2. G

    15 month old not walking

    @minimonkey Thank you!!
  3. G

    15 month old not walking

    @erickem He doesn’t really do any of those things. Is that okay? He has started experimenting with crawling with his knees up off the ground
  4. G

    15 month old not walking

    @empower Okay makes sense. Thanks so much :)
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    15 month old not walking

    @empower Thank you! our pediatrician said she was concerned mainly because he's not able to stand alone (without leaning on something), was your daughter standing alone early on or closer to when she started walking?
  6. G

    15 month old not walking

    @ella_inc This is encouraging to hear
  7. G

    15 month old not walking

    @wug I didn't mean "just" as in she did nothing- I really appreciate her referral. And I am hoping it will help when they reach out and I get to make an appointment. My anxious brain was just looking for her to say "it's totally fine dont worry etc etc." In the meantime I'm having all this...
  8. G

    15 month old not walking

    @foxhound21136 Thank you!! Is he able to stand alone (without leaning on or holding something)? That seemed to be what my pediatrician was mostly concerned about.
  9. G

    15 month old not walking

    @cpo Thank you! He does hold onto my hand and take some steps but only for a few seconds, and then bends his knees and wants to crawl. I feel like I am forcing him when I offer my hand or try to assist him to walk. But I do keep trying to offer- I just dont want to push him if he doesn't want...
  10. G

    15 month old not walking

    I know this can be “normal”. But he is also not standing independently (without holding onto something) He gets up with assistance easily and cruises and climbs. But he doesn’t seem to have the balance to stand alone. I have so much anxiety about it. He just turned 15 months and he’s been on...