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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @abinsky My dad told me to bite her too! What is wrong with that generation??? She's teething, she doesn't know what she's doing, she's not even aware that that will hurt me. But all she knows is gnawing down on me helps her gums. And guess what? Without biting her she's stopped biting me. She...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @holingragged I'm in no rush at all to get her into her own bed. I'm sure you both sleep much better being close to one another.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @sraweber369 I love when my daughter grabs my top and pulls herself closer to me when she stirs. It's just the cutest.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @jrtravaille It's what works for you, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Besides, all the more cuddles!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @russelkuskie Yup!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @crismate88 Thank you. Taking it each day at a time. I originally moved back in with my mum temporarily, but then covid happened and I lost my job... so here we are! Luckily my husband just got a new job today (hurrah!) so we can look forward to the future now and getting our own place where we...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @haplotes I normally have a great prepared speech for when people question my parenting style (I've spoken about it before in this sub) but this one really stopped me in my tracks. Yeah no one wants to hear that the choices that they made as a parent, no matter how many years ago they were...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    My nearly 1 year old still wakes up a lot during the night to nurse. I don't mind, we bed share and I love that she feels safe and happy when she's by me. Most importantly, since she was premature and still teeny tiny, giving her the extra calories is really important to me. Today, after...
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    How to make baby carrier warmer for winter walks

    @twinklesamir I'm in the UK and I bought a fleece baby wearing jacket (you can find them on Amazon) and then a bundle bean: It's seriously a game changer.