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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @nhuluong He’ll get there! Starting daycare is so hard. Sending you strength and it will get better.
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @nhuluong I imagine this isn’t the first time your daycare has had to work with a baby like this. Talk to his teacher/the director about how you can approach together!
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @nhuluong Yes, 30 min total! LO is now almost 8 months, and some days he’ll sleep upwards of 3.5 hours at daycare, though most days he sleeps ~2-2.5 hours at daycare. Still a little less than I’d like at this point, but he comes home and is ready to play with us for an hour before we start...
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @facebook How long has your LO been in daycare? It can take a few weeks for babies to adjust. We’re also 4M and now three weeks into daycare, my LO is taking four 30-40 minute naps a day. But at the beginning, he got maybe 30 minutes of napping. Taking Cara Babies also says that daycare naps...
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    TTC Newbie

    @williamk I’d love an invite! Starting TTC in December (and currently starting to track cycle)