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    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @zenos777 You're so welcome. Solidarity. It is really very difficult to manage and not react. Good luck.
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    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @zenos777 Breathing helps me. I give him some time. It could be a few hours or a couple of days. I definitely apologize profusely if something I did led to or even contributed to the outburst. I ask about making amends. To me this is important modeling so that he knows how to behave if he has...
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    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @walknlight It is a lot. But it makes them so happy. Increasingly, my teen wants more time doing things that don't involve me. Knowing where I am amd what I'm doing and that he can check in amd touch base as much as he likes seems to work for him. I always miss them as they grow through...
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    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @thecore1234 Mine was. Same thing. Very sad and anxious after a really messy relationship between me and his male parent. He was anxious. Suffered from poor self esteem. Wasn't interested in socializing. I had to match his speed, his interests. I invited him to watch his favoirite shows with...