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    “I do have it pretty easy! That is why I’m sticking with just the one!“

    @charliess We did but it didn't take until we moved and she got a room of her own. I guess sharing a bedroom with two adults and three cats didn't work for her. Lol
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    “I do have it pretty easy! That is why I’m sticking with just the one!“

    @charliess My kid didn't sleep more than 4h until she was 14 months old. She's 20m now and it physically pains me to read this, I'm still not over it Lol. I hope it stays easy for you!
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @loumay Just a reminder maybe that it might take you a year+ to conceive, so you could be looking at 5 years if you try for 4. But I second that you should do what’s best for you cause the affect on their relationship is unpredictable.
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    To have or not to have?

    @deelo00 Right, I see. it's true. I basically got everything off of my bucket list in my 30s before we started. I can see how it would be a big decision to dedicate so much of your life to child rearing.
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    To have or not to have?

    @deelo00 I only started my family at 39, no regrets. I'd say go for it, especially since it seems you and your husband both want to anyway.