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    Please share your 3yo morning getting ready routines because holy h*** I’m exhausted

    @madhusudhana25758 We are going through the same exact thing, friend!!! Glad this seems normal!
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    Please share your 3yo morning getting ready routines because holy h*** I’m exhausted

    @onefreespirit Ok we’ve been having this problem for two weeks, and I kind of jokingly said we should try this….but if Ms. Rachel does it….I’m willing to try anything at this point.
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    F*&! daylight savings

    @roxiegomez Like WHY was this one hour change so freaking dramatic
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @acuriousgirl I feel like I could have written this. 2.5 year old girl and 10 year old handicapped dog. We both work full time (although I’m a teacher so I’m off for the summer). This is hard as shit. I feel awful even thinking it, but this would be a lot easier without my dog. I would never...