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    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @travisdt Mine too!
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    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @youngdad98763 Thats funny! my 2.5 yr old calls me "baby" and my husband "son" because that's what we call him. He randomly just go "hi baby hi son" 😂😂😂
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    How do you have time to do anything?

    @babszie I work out during my lunch break at work, or it would never happen
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    Summer fridays!

    @katrina2017 I love that you allow yourself that. Momming and capitalism make it so challenging!!!
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    Summer fridays!

    @katrina2017 Yay!! What do you usually do? I am trying to get away from doing chores and errands but happy to do that as needed too!
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    Summer fridays!

    @mormonmartini I used to clean more before kiddo. House is clean enough but now I like to have cleaners come 1 a month to do deep clean and we just maintain. I really want to use the time for something more self care oriented! We went to a pool and it was fun.
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    Summer fridays!

    @blessed09 I totally feel this dilemma!!!
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    Summer fridays!

    @julius256 Great idea!!!
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    Summer fridays!

    @juneie I am good at sneaking that into my work day. I am trying to make it a self care day but its easy to get sucked into chores!!!
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth I use instacart for costco delivery. Also i can use it for target it as well but i usually do the drive up option. And house cleaners 1x a month.
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    Summer fridays!

    @swiftbreeze Yes I have so many errands!! Good idea. I think hubby and i are gonna go to the beach!
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    Summer fridays!

    I requested 3 weeks of summer vacay due to combo of real vacay and daycare closures. I counted and taking all fridays off july- mid sept was only like an extra 5 days so I asked if I could have them off (even if l unpaid) and my boss approved it. My hubby gets all fridays off in summer (...