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  1. P

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm Yeah we’re doing the same here. The sleep routine is improving slowly but day to day, still not on a set time schedule. Feedings vary a bit. That’s fine. He’s a baby.
  2. P

    I didn’t clean baby’s back properly and she had poop on it

    @doublev How do you know she didn’t poop after you changed her? Poop comes with the territory. Your husband shouldn’t be chewing you out for it. Clean it and move on.
  3. P

    Kid is 7 and starting to stink

    @onewithfaith Use lotion?
  4. P

    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @idiotonabike Yes!!
  5. P

    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    @smithe7 Is she getting enough milk during the day to make up for it? With the weight concern I would be waking her up at night to make sure she feeds, but ask your pediatrician.