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    Questions and thoughts from a daycare teacher

    @mica_ Hi I’m a parent of a 14 month old living in the US and speak only Spanish to my daughter. I think a big benefit will be reinforcing words they’re learning at home. My daughter can say más (more) and agua (water) but I don’t think the daycare workers realize that’s what she’s saying. She...
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    Non-native, non-heritage fluent 2nd language - OLOP?

    @asaithambi Do it! It’s ok if you make some mistakes, being bilingual is a gift. You can get better as you go and supplement by reading German language books, singing/listening to kids songs in German and when your kid is old enough, educational tv programs in German. I recommend the book The...
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    Teaching english to my nephew

    @questionquest74 He can get a good foundation in the language if you speak to him a lot (read books to him, narrate your day, talk a lot out loud to him). Ideally you’d be seeing him a few times a week for it to stick. Human input is the best so I agree you can skip background noise and tv etc...