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  1. L

    Cake for 1st birthday?

    @stay_tattd4_lyfe So not sure if it was just me but the recipe came out incredibly chewy. Certainly inedible for a 1 year old and not too appealing for an adult either. Solid starts recommended to cook for 30 minutes which ended up being way, way too much. Long story short, went with a box mix...
  2. L

    Cake for 1st birthday?

    @stay_tattd4_lyfe Completely understand! My girls are turning one on Tuesday, also born at 30+1. I’m doing the apple beet cake smash recipe from solid starts that someone else shared. The major components are fruit/veggies with a little flour, baking soda and spices. Also doing a whipped cream...
  3. L

    Baby to her own room at 10 weeks?

    @danielz Contact naps were life at that age. You are in the trenches right now- your babe is 1 week adjusted meaning they are in every sense a newborn. I have twin girls born at 30+1 and we did not room share in the traditional sense. My husband and I treated our bedroom as an oasis and did...