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  1. B

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge Yes. I might have had her a little younger - like 30 instead of 34.
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    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns My kid had sleep issues until she was three and I never breast fed at all so... there goes that theory. It's so hard when they still sort of need a nap so they're cranky if they don't get it but they're wired if they do. And yes, over-tired kids act up and get a little wild...
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @simplewoodencross Does he have a therapist? Have you looked into meds for anxiety? My daughter is a similarly high achieving student, but anxiety was basically taking over her life a few years ago. We finally found a therapist who is a good fit. The therapist recommended a psych. She's...
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    Are teens supposed to be this tired?

    @jen1458 When I think of being a teenager, I remember being bone-tired and hungry all the time. My dad worked early so we all had to go to bed at nine for as long as I lived at home, and we got up at six so I was getting a lot of sleep but I was just always exhausted. My own daughter is really...
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @simplewoodencross Ok, this answers my other question. Has he discussed this with his therapist, and have you? I know they can't tell you what they talk about, but you can request to sit in and discuss this with the therapist and psych - not just the pot, but you can specfically ask to address...
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    My baby is 3 months old, how much harder does it get??

    @nate71 IMO, the baby phase is as hard as it gets. And I have a teenager. Every milestone, communication leap, and bit of independence made things easier. I enjoyed the wild toddler years, the pre-school, little kid, pre-teen, and now teenager. The baby phase was hard. It was hard on my...
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @thedevilaintthatbad What is he doing about his anxiety? Does he see someone? Take meds? Have a plan to address it? He can't just say "I have anxiety" and opt out of life. How is he expecting to support himself? If you agree not to bring up job hunting and GED for a year, will he agree to...
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    Teen daughter lied about meeting a friend. Is actually planning to meet a boy she met online

    @ccm500 In the interest of keeping her from hiding things in the future AND learning how to handle online friendships/dating, I'd say yes. Go with her plan of meeting at the mall, set a time limit, and be there. I wouldn't make them sit close or introduce you or anything, but he should know that...