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  1. D

    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    Today the scholarship org sent me a receipt for a check they have sent my way. Should reach me in 7 days per them. In my attempt to convince them about Z deceit, I previously sent them proof of only 4 weeks of lessons given yet 6 weekly checks being cashed by the instructor. They have sent me a...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @enemyofreason I do not. I have a family member who does, they said they would support me if I needed to use a lawyer. Before I reached out to them today, I looked into pro bono lawyers by me as well (when another commentor suggested it) and did find 6 lawyers nearby who do that work. I have...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @vinhhali That sounds lovely. I think you're right on, older children can consent and understand in a way younger children and babies cannot. I think you might find it really nice doing it that way. My older child was eager to swim and perfect their form. So having someone there to gently guide...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @vinhhali I'm sorry it happened that way for you. That must have been hard. I definitely believe the preying on fears is involved. The ISR instructors themselves might believe it. So it might even be preying on their fears. That they are doing a service and helping save a life. And I think...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @vinhhali This really makes sense. I was so blinded by my fear of my kids drowning after reading its the number 1 cause of death in young children. I didn't think on this. It's true. The process itself involves pushing babies who can't even talk into the water repeatedly until they learn they...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @peninnah Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. Internet hugs right back. I'm with you in that advocating for someone else seems to come easier. Almost everyone I know is like this, myself included. I don't know why that is. I think in some ways, when something bad is done to our...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @knightriter Yes I plan to update. Bandwidth is so apt. Thank you!
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @hughflowers I am in the process of filing a report. I hope it keeps her from doing to another what she did to my children and I.
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @crown93 This made me smile. Thank you. I have written to the scholarship org so far and I'm in the midst of a police report (it seems to be a process). I think the thing with racism is, no matter what is done, there can/will be some other explanation always. No racist admits "Yes I did that...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @pondsbb Thank you for the kind words. I did not consider a police report. I took pictures of the bruising and have video of Z grabbing my child in that place, so I'm going to do that if the police will let me. I looked over the verbiage for the scholarship. There isn't anything about...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @katrina2017 I hope for the same, thank you!
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @kenanga I intend to contact the center, and write to the ISR org. Thank you for highlighting things for me to point out, that is very helpful! I'll be sure to mention them. Regarding the lifeguards, yes, it was impressed upon me the importance of a lifeguard not only being present, but near...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @oxid When the scholarship org responded to me a few hrs ago they said they allow vacations as long as it is explained beforehand and another family member is paying for it. They don't feel it is fair for families that can afford to pay for lavish vacations (verbiage they used) to ask for help...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    -----rest of my post's info----- One of the accusations was that we took a vacation and so could have afforded to pay for these lessons. I was told off by the org for being deceitful about our finances and they said I took advantage of the scholarship and Z. I responded with most of what I've...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @everpraying3168 Thank you for the validation and support. I intend to find time to gather my thoughts on what's pertinent to the ISR org and contact them in regards to Z. I'll follow your suggestion and try to just state the facts as I saw them. That sounds like a good idea.
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @michaelthemeerkat Thank you so much for the validation and well wishes. My husband is a passive, non confrontational person. So I have learned I need to be the advocate for all 6 of us. He agrees this was wrong and he's sorry it happened. He says he doesn't know what to do. So it's up to me...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @oldtimedude I received a response and have updated the post.
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @liz471 I have emailed the scholarship org (holding my $420 )with picture and screenshot evidence. Videos were too large. So I said I could shrink them and email separately if they want. I have not heard back yet. I started the process on the police report. I was asked to come speak with a...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @carlon The last lesson ended last week so I just bore through all of it and saw it through. My mistake I should have added that lessons are done.
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    Update- Nov 8- I spoke with an officer about the child abuse. After taking down details they asked me to go to the POC (police operations center) to meet with a detective from special crimes. I did that tonight though there must have been a miscommunication since the detective was not there when...