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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @missymomof3ky thank you for your insight !!!
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @magnolia12 im a data scientist working as a contractor for multiple companies! i get hired for projects, but i have some connections that may be hiring if you have a background in tech
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @crystalsherie i’m not sure. i was just doing what they told me. i’m kinda thankful that i posted this thread because ive learned so much more than the lactation specialist has taught me in literally less than a day
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @crystalsherie she told me to start pumping the night after i left the OR from the C-section literally
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @bobandyortan i work from home. but this is copied from a comment i left under someone else’s: so i was advised to pump because my first 2 days pp i wasn’t producing milk at all so the lactation specialist said to pump 2-3 hours to stimulate lactation, she also said to keep doing this (and...
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @morganpettit97 i needed this. thanks again
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @morganpettit97 thank you!!! i’ll def look into a carrier. and prioritizing my baby and myself is a must, i do feel that my lack of interest to pump is in someway neglecting her though i’m in a moral conflict about this whole thing
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    i’m only 2 weeks pp. the dad doesn’t exist and i’m living alone and doing everything on my own. i feed her every 2-3 hours, and i’d try to pump after. i’ve found this to be unsustainable and im only be able to pump around 2-4 times per day. since im by myself, most of the time im holding the...