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  1. M

    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @zhuru523 It is not constrained to 3. There is a natural constraint on how many languages a child can learn because there are only so many hours in the day when they're awake and can be exposed to language. Likewise, there are only so many people that spend enough time with your child speaking a...
  2. M

    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @pattianne4 In countries that are already multilingual there is much less planning because the supports are built in (different people/places speak different languages and kids are exposed organically). In mostly monolingual countries more planning is needed because otherwise baby just won't get...
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    Unvaccinated Nanny

    @danil999 Yes. We had a nanny that had questionable judgement. She was studying to be a NICU nurse yet she vaped, and even vaped around my child. . She did other questionable things. It is also not the case that higher pay = better nanny. Some people go into the profession because it pays...
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @cathya My son is 11 months and has been in cloth since birth with the exception of a couple trips. Never had a rash.