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    EFF in a “Baby-Friendly Hospital” - how to prepare?

    @herooftheday I FF two babies in the hospital, I would say plan for the worst and hope for the best. Here's what I would recommend bringing: A ton of "nursettes" those 2 oz ready to feed bottles have nipples that screw on. I would estimate 12-15 per day, you can only use them for one feed even...
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    has anyone had any luck with switching to a different type of bottle w/ a stubborn baby?

    @hish0lyservant Ate you using the blue or green ones? The blue ones you can't use without the vents but the green ones you can! If you're using the blue, maybe try the green without the vent and see if he'll take it?
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    F**k em all the way up

    @reverendrv O gosh, I tried so many things and literally nothing worked until I turned him around. Does distraction work with your kid?
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    F**k em all the way up

    @reverendrv I switched mine forward facing when he started this. I know it isn't recommended but it's much safer to be fully buckled facing forward than sometimes buckled facing the rear. He hasn't touched the buckles once since switching.
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    My baby is 3.5 months old and will not feed. I’m losing my mind

    @whiteybeefcake I started solids at 4 months with both my kids and it was amazing both times. My first just wasn't a fan of bottles and was dropping percentiles. I added cereal and purees and she was immediately gaining weight, sleeping better, crushing developmental milestones, it was amazing...