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  1. E

    4th or am i nuts?

    @jason106p I suggest reading a little article/advice column I found once called "the ghost ship that didn't carry us" by Cheryl strayed. When I was debating on a 3rd + child I would read that a couple times and I found it very helpful in ordering my thoughts. I've made the pros and cons list...
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    2 under 2 with no support?

    @niqhtcore I think it's really hard when they're little. I struggled with 2 under 2 with support.. however i still think we would have had a second even without support. We definitely wanted our kid to have a buddy (and of course it felt right for us to have another). If time limit is not an...
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    Obsessing over this decision.

    @jenny404 I think the right decision is sometimes the one you end up going with. The thing is we only know what we regret with hindsight. To have hindsight we have to make the decisions first. Idk if I wrote that to make sense lol. I think a lot of people agonize over this decision, afraid of...
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    15 months in…. When do I sleep again?

    @allisonbella I think it depends on the kid. My three oldest started sleeping well around 14-18 months. Then sttn pretty consistently. My youngest is 2.5 and still wakes up every night. One thing I did was put my kid to bed at the pm of when they wake up. If she's up before 6a have you tried a...
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    I can’t shake the feeling

    @cookie34ss6 My experience for you and others in the same situation... I felt similarly after having my second and going back and forth over a third. My second is a unicorn kid ("easy" lol) and it just seemed like things would be so easy if we stayed there. But I kept feeling like someone was...
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    Bedtime issues with 3 y/o

    @pslyuen I guess it can depend on what you're comfortable with. Does she have anything in the bath that she can play with? Perhaps you can lure her by offering her something she'd be interested in? Especially if it's not necessarily a toy-- like a soup spoon or ladle I can't remember, a plastic...
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 Imo when we had two it felt like being on "easy mode" (in the sense that the kids had each other). Having 3 was when it felt really fun and like a party. They shifted around and it was just a feeling of fullness. Love it. I would suggest to wait until the oldest goes to school...
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    Decision taking over my life

    @chopper1690 What you decide, you will get through it, because you'll have to-youll be living it. Things would be different with a second but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be negative. Siblings will fight and play, there's no avoiding that. You can try your best to encourage a healthy...
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    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @bitgidi Personally it sounds like you would like another but are nervous. We ended up with more kids than was our original plan, definitely some nerves involved in moving forward with each additional one. Such is life. They love having each other even when they fight. It's okay to be...