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  1. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    Whelp the past 2 days she’s had short naps and refused the 4th and is still waking every 2-4h to nurse overnight so I have no idea what I’m doing 😅
  2. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @katyajane Oof sorry to hear you're going through this too! So, some success? I think? We extended her ww to 1h50/2h/2h/2h20-ish and now most days this past week she's had one long nap that lets us drop the 4th nap (sometimes with a super early, like 6:30-6:45 bedtime) So naps have improved...
  3. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @proballoword Oh gosh, sorry to hear 🫠 I’ll let you know if anything seems to help! This might not apply but just in case: I did just read a section from “The Happy Sleeper” that talks about how nursing to sleep around 5 months no longer translates to longer sleeps and is kind of like if you...
  4. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @speckodust Thank you! I guess I figured she was tired because she’d wake up crying from all of her short naps, but maybe that happens when undertired as well? I’ll start working toward that 3 nap day 🤞🙂 ETA: last night I put her to sleep without nursing and she still woke up 2x but not bad...
  5. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @speckodust The 4.5h was a bit of an anomaly 😅 She had one 2hr nap (very rare for her) and yet still needed a 4th to make it to bedtime. Right now her windows are moved back to 1h30/1h40/1h40/1h45/2-2h15. At bedtime I normally nurse her to sleep (thinking it’d postpone middle of the night...
  6. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @sass Oh interesting! That’s helpful to know - thank you!! (Ps. Tried a 1h50 wake window this morning and she’s been napping for 1h30 so far 🙏) Thank you for your help! Hoping we’re onto a good schedule update here!
  7. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @sass Thanks for sharing! Yeah I’m a bit weirded out by how short her ww have been…She was waking up crying from naps with longer ones so I figured overtired but maybe the jump in time was too extreme 🤔
  8. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    K so I went down the rabbit hole of Huckleberry data after my daughter slept great last night and I may have had an epiphany. I’ve been so focused on ww and not total awake time and I’m seeing a pattern of soooo many days where her total awake time is low and she’s waking frequently. Plus...
  9. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    Our 5.5m old has been an independent sleeper (95% of the time) for the past 3 months but has lately started waking up multiple times per night (when she was previously only waking to nurse 0-1 times). At the time she was on 1h30/1h40/1h45/1h45/2h windows with 4 naps lasting around 45-60 min. Her...
  10. N

    Recommendations for carriers that don’t press sensitive tummies?

    @adefela77 Awesome, thank you!
  11. N

    Recommendations for carriers that don’t press sensitive tummies?

    My 9 week old daughter is nearly 14lbs and has “silent reflux”. I’d always imagined I’d baby wear constantly but she’s uncomfortable in the carriers I have even 30+ minutes after nursing. We have a Solly wrap but she gets quite hot in it. Our ErgoBaby Embrace leads to lots of burping and even...