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  1. W

    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @adebola68 Right, mom doesn't want them to bring things back and forth. It is complicated by the fact that the swap is almost always my house -> school -> her house and vice versa, so there isn't really a way for them to not bring something like winter jacket, shoes, and, for that matter...
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @dylan511 I think you're asking the right questions about the bikes thing. It's a bit of a mix on whether they are very outdoorsy kids, but generally speaking, especially in the summer they love to ride. Our area is very safe and there are plenty of bike trails for them to ride (including...
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @hopefaith I agree with this. I am have explained this in writing multiple times, but it seems mom disagrees. I will look to some professional resources to see if there are recommendations, which could help explain the upsides, etc. I think it is what is best for the kids, maybe she would see it...
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @halterfr33 The challenge is mom doesn't want daughter to bring things back and forth. Maybe this is more about my frustration that she seems to be insinuating "why aren't you clothing them".
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @billyuk1989 Thanks, yes ex is not as interested in the kids bringing things back and forth/sharing, so I suppose it comes down to budget just like any other family.
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    Holy smokes this is a long post, sorry! Looking for advice on how to navigate a gap in priority in clothes expense, and what items should be duplicated at each home and which shouldn't. I have two 13.5 yo daughters (twins) and 2 grade school aged boys that split their time 50/50 between (my...