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    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    @preston055 Yes, that’s exactly it! An overnight diaper change stimulates them to wake up even more, and it may make putting them back to sleep harder. If he’s not bothered, I let him be. Plus, I hate struggling to do a diaper change in the dark while groggy, especially on a boy with his “mom...
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    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    @preston055 I’ll only change him at night if I know or suspect a poop. I’ve read don’t bother with a diaper change if it’s not bothering them and you don’t have a reason to think there’s poop.
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked That would be scary and hard to forget as you learn to follow his cues. Also, you’ll start to learn LO is no longer hungry when they start rejecting the bottle. I’ll try feeding baby, and he’ll push the nipple out with his tongue, move his head back and forth, and has even started to...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked You’re not an awful mom! It’s such a learning process. It also doesn’t help that we fear wasting formula because of the shortage and the price, but sometimes it is necessary to risk the waste. At 7 weeks, we’re offering him 3 oz. bottles almost every time (unless he just feed an hour...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked Follow baby’s lead. 45 mL sounds okay for one week old, but if LO is continuing to show hunger cues after finishing the bottle, offer another ounce*. This is what we watched for. If he kept asking for more after each feed, we would try making bigger bottles to see how consistently he’d...
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @davidreyes Thank you!
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @teendad777 Awesome! So glad to hear all these positive pitcher routines where people call it a lifesaver. It makes me feel like I didn't waste my $10 on one, and I may end up buying a back up in case one is dirty.
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @trasea Perfect! That's essentially what I'd like to get to. I can see doing the sterilizing at the very beginning when he's first born, but I'll likely drop it later on unless I'm feeling froggy.
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @amphibalus Great idea, thank you!
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @amphibalus My conflict was I was gifted a bottle warmer at the baby shower, but I would hate to waste it if I can have a LO who isn’t picky about their bottle being warmed up. Thanks for the tap water tip, though! That’ll be good for when we’re not home.
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    Contact naps to independent naps

    @mhmalaska I do!! I made a post about it the other day here! Feel free to DM me too if you have questions. 😊
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @brokenroad Crossing my fingers he won’t be picky! Does RTF need to be refrigerated?
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    Contact naps to independent naps

    @tanner1991 Thank you for all this info! I started using the Huckleberry app for the past few days, and I agree. It’s been mostly spot on for the naps which have been a big help. Before, I was just keeping him on me all the time, and he’d fall asleep whenever. Now, I know it’s time to put him...
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    Contact naps to independent naps

    Apologies ahead of time for the repeat question. I just have various questions about this. For context, LO is two months old (9 weeks tomorrow). He mostly contact naps on me throughout the day. He does the classic crying not long after being put down. I don’t go back to work until the end of...
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @doug9694 Thank you for this! That helps, especially the insight on sterilizing. I had heard to maybe do it more often as a newborn, but as they age and build up their immune system, it may be able to be stretched out.
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    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    Hello! This is my first time posting, but I've been lurking throughout my pregnancy. I plan on EFF from the start, and my LO is due at the end of the month. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for what sort of feeding routine I'll need once he's here. I'd like to use the pitcher method. When I...
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    Feeling like a bit of a failure

    @tessaherrin This just happened to us last night for the first time! He slept for five hours straight on my husband’s shift. My hubby woke up worried that something was wrong because LO hadn’t woken up around the time he usually does. He had to wake him up to feed him. After that, it was my...