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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @alan65011 Oh thank you thank you thank you! And congratulations to you too, mama. Here's to a completely insane 37th year around the sun! :)
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @katrina2017 Seriously. Thank you and so glad to be here. Congratulations on your rainbow baby - these are our rainbow babies too. Big hugs to you!
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @howardmup That's so sweet of you. Thank you!
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @kboveylmt It sounds terrible, but because of all the bleeding, we called them Bleeder 1 and Bleeder 2 for a long time. Then, when they started weighing ahead of the curve, we changed it to Husky and Boomer. Totally ridiculous. We still don't have real-life names either!
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @kboveylmt Whoohooooo! Hi there - and love the nicknames Biggie & Smalls ;)
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @timechangers Thank you so much!
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @rozmac YAY! I highly doubt they will hold on til then. I'm hoping they hang on for another month, though, at least, please please please :)
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    @prodigy Thank you! I am happy to be here! Congratulations on your little sweetheart too :)
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    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    Hi everyone, I'm almost 37yo, and almost 31 weeks with di/di b/g twins conceived via IVF #1 (male factor). I have been lurking here for months, because it is such a great community but I was so afraid of losing these little beans. I had major unexplained hemorrhaging weeks 10-20, scary liver...