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  1. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @boodus I'm deeply snarky by nature, I was chuckling when I wrote that. I don't know what the downvotes are about.
  2. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @boodus She hung from the monkey bars. She fell and tried to brace her fall. Her left arm bent in a location it's not supposed to bend. We sought medical intervention. Trained medical staff intervened. We went home. Later that night I posted to Reddit. You commented. I responded.
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    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @katrina2017 I'll find out all the details when we see the Ortho on Monday. She starts K next year, and I'm a SAHD, so it's just me she has to impress for now. (Or is it me trying to impress her? Hard to tell on a day by day basis.)
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    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @golecoopar She woke up with a huge grin, not a care in the world. Dude, I can't even with that possibility... That's terrifying.
  5. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @dudeboy Thank you for what you do. They used IV Propofol for my LO. She went down mid sob, and woke up with the biggest $h!t eating grin.
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    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @yochanannorth Right now she has a plaster splint and two Ace bandages. We see the Ortho on Monday for a cast. I'm absolutely going to ask about a waterproof cast.
  7. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @keffiyeh As others have pointed out, anesthesia doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, it means the patient is disassociated from their nervous system. They can still react to sensory input, but they don't remember it. It's basically chemically induced amnesia. I guess it all works different depending...
  8. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    This morning, I dropped off my 7 yr old for her 2nd day ever of in-person school (she loves 2nd grade so far), and I decided to take the 4 yr old to the park afterward. She hit the swings, we walked down a path in the woods singing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" and "Do Your Ears Hang Low"...