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  1. J

    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    @weixiao Get rest today and don’t sweat the small stuff at home, you have plenty of time to sort things out later. Give yourself lots of grace, especially if things don’t go your way. Births never go as planned. Lol You can do this!
  2. J

    Q for Parents who started using Cloth w Newborn

    @rui My baby is a month this week, and I got pockets from my shower to use, as well as a few essembly diapers. The essembly size 1 with covers fit around 2 weeks, and now I can comfortably use pockets with no problems. The brands I got are noras nursery and some from amazon. None of them are...
  3. J

    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @scareddofthedecline Yup! I really hope it helps! The difference in energy with cpap sleep vs. non is insane in our case. Before there were definitely days I couldn’t sleep, i’m so glad that was pre-baby.