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  1. J

    Heart Defect

    @nicknicks One more story that might help conjure up some strength. There was a poster on /r/daddit a year ago who started posting about his son who was born around 24 weeks really early. It had a huge impact on the sub and we were all closely following week by week updates until today where...
  2. J

    Heart Defect

    @lyn02 Absolutely heartbreaking situation. I have nothing to add other than I have known of three people born with heart conditions, HLHS and Heterotaxy being among them, that had a rough start in life but when on to achieve incredible things (physically even). Look up Meg Roswick-Didier--its...
  3. J

    How much parental leave did u take?

    @gdsmith Same situation for me. I'm part of a smaller start-up of 5 people, being the only one in my role. Previous jobs I did 2 weeks but this one I'm not even sure how I'm gonna swing that. Might hire out a contractor to fill in, but then I know I'm going to be glued to my phone giving...