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  1. D

    IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

    @zacariah88 Can't they do an sample analysis within the next month before the next cycle so you don't miss out?
  2. D

    cycles getting longer

    @mariet9 I'm more interested in what do longer cycles mean/why am I getting longer cycles? Getting towards menopause? from MC? lower egg reserve? Something else? but to answer your question: at this point tracking periods. Did ovulation strips for 2ish cycles but didn't this last cycle with...
  3. D

    cycles getting longer

    I used to have a very consistent 30-31 day cycles. had a MC in July/Aug and D&C. got a period period 40 days after D&C. then had 32 day cycle, 35 day cycle, and right now I'm at CD 37 and no sign of a period (and BFN). in general, what does it mean biologically/scientifically if your cycles...